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Important Facts About Baby Raccoon Season

March 14th, 2017

Baby raccoon season is upon us and there are some important facts you should know about what to expect and how to proceed. Raccoons mate during the winter and soon litt ers of raccoons are born. While raccoons typically live outdoors, in order to create nests for their babies in the springtime, they actively seek out warm spaces, which may take the form of attics.

Raccoons are loud during mating season and you will hear a lot of loud thrashing and thumping noises and you’ll be able to tell that the animal is larger than a squirrel or mouse. If a mother is nesting with her babies in your att ic, you’ll hear squealing sounds that will generally be quite a bit softer than those sounds made my adult raccoons. If you hear these kinds of sounds, you have a family nesting in your attic.

One of the largest appeals of att ics is the insulation; raccoons will tear through the insulation in order to make nests or beds for their babies. Not only is insulation warm, it’s comfortable for the family as well. It takes three months for baby raccoons to be able to move around and then they will begin to forage on their own. However, raccoons won’t necessarily vacate the premises after the baby raccoon season has fi nished. If they’ve found a safe, warm, and comfortable space, they’ll continue to return to that space over time. Do not deal with this problem by sealing the raccoons in the attic.

Raccoons mean no harm by living in your att ic. We at All Wildlife can remove the raccoons from your home safely causing no harm to the racoons and ensure that the entry points are closed up to prevent future unwanted guests.

Paul Stevens - All Wildlife Removal Inc., Phone 905-330-7285